
I am a Power System Engineer at CF Power Ltd.. I earned my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Arkansas. My passion lies in dedicating myself to advancing mathematical knowledge and engineering skills, with a focus on applying them to address real-world challenges, particularly within the realms of electrical engineering.

My work and research

My work centers on transfor limit analysis of renewable energy integration using PSS®E and TARA. My Ph.D. research centers on advancing renewable energy integration within Smart Grids through two primary avenues: optimizing the real-time scheduling of energy sources within the grid and rapidly detecting potential attacks on the grid’s infrastructure. Leveraging statistical inference and deep reinforcement learning algorithms, I’ve developed innovative optimization and detection methodologies, which have been published in multiple peer-reviewed conferences and journals.

My background and history

With a solid foundation and deep enthusiasm for mathematics, particularly in statistics, I earned my B.A. in Electronic Engineering Department from Tsinghua University, recognized as one of China’s top two universities, with a specialization in communication theory. Throughout my Ph.D. program, I furthered my expertise by delving into statistical coursework to support my research in detection algorithms. Concurrently, I pursued independent learning in reinforcement learning and Python, leveraging the DDPG algorithm to optimize online scheduling and detection methods.